As we discussed last week on our Dallas family law blog, Texas’ 72-hour marriage license waiting period can be a valuable time to focus on issues you might otherwise take for granted during the exciting run-up to a marriage. You can sign up for our state’s free eight-hour premarital counseling program; you might also want to look at prenuptial agreements.
But the beginning of a marriage isn’t the only time when thoughtful, sensitive yet serious discussions need to take place. The end of a marriage is certain to be a time when couples find themselves working through challenging issues, often while emotions run high. Even those who do have a prenuptial agreement governing their property division may have alimony, child support, child custody and other divorce legal issues to settle before they can begin new, separate lives.
Texas couples who are divorcing but who are interested in working together to resolve issues like these (as opposed to pursuing a traditional litigated divorce) may find the space for discussion that they need through the collaborative law process. This is a system in which each partner is represented by his or her own attorney and all parties agree to work together towards the goal of a mutually agreed-upon divorce settlement. This can be especially helpful for those looking for ways to minimize the impact of a divorce on their children.
Of course, a Dallas collaborative law divorce is not right for every situation. Neither is every family law attorney a good candidate to represent those interested in it. With more than 30 years in family law practice, however, the Law Offices of Mary Ann Beaty, P.C. is well qualified to answer questions about the process and help put it to work on your behalf.