When one parent in a child custody case does not adhere to court-ordered obligations, he or she is considered to be in contempt of court. One of the most common reasons people are in contempt is failure to pay court ordered child support.  The other parent must then turn to an attorney for help with enforcement of the original support agreement.

An experienced Dallas child support attorney can help you with enforcement. Mary Ann Beaty has over 40 years of experience with child support and child custody cases. She understands that it is important for the parents and child(ren) that everyone complies with child support orders. To make an appointment with Mary Ann Beaty, please call 214-350-5530 or contact us online.

Texas has statutory guidelines for determining the amount of child support a parent must pay. A qualified child support attorney can help you interpret the guidelines to see how they may apply in your situation. This includes gathering the correct financial, tax, child care and health care information. Having the right information can help ensure that you pay or receive the correct amount of support. If needs change, you can ask to modify child support.

If you are not receiving court-ordered child support, we can enforce the order by reporting it to the court. You can file contempt charges if the other parent is not following any part of the parenting plan such as:

  • Not visiting the child
  • Bringing the child home late
  • Failure to pay debts and obligations
  • Failure to maintain health insurance coverage

In order to file contempt charges, the custody and support agreement must contain specific language for beginning and end visitation times and for payment of support. Sometimes we need the court to clarify this language when it is unclear or if it was drafted in another state.

Getting custody agreements right the first time is important. Contact us at 214-350-5530 to discuss your case with a Dallas child support attorney.

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