Child support payments often become just one more thing parents argue about during a divorce. However, we must remember that child support is the right of the child, not the parents. It is crucial that the child receives adequate financial support regardless of the parents’ feelings about each other. Working with a lawyer can help everyone focus on the child’s needs.

At the Law Offices of Mary Ann Beaty, P.C., we understand how important child support is. We also understand that needs and life circumstances can change over time. It may become necessary to modify a child support agreement. If you need assistance with modification, please call our Dallas child support attorneys at 214-350-5530 or contact us online.

To modify a child support agreement, you need to prove that there has been a significant change of circumstances. Some common reasons people request a modification include:

  • A change in a parent’s finances
  • A parent losing or getting a job
  • A change in health of a parent or child
  • A change in the child’s needs
  • The remarriage of a parent

When the court makes a decision on child support modification, the best interest of the child is still the primary consideration.

Currently, the cap on child support payments is based on a net income of $7,500/month. You can request a greater amount if child’s needs require it; however, you must be able to document this need.

We represent parents seeking modification, as well as those opposing it. Please call our office at 214-350-5530 to schedule an appointment with one of our child support attorneys here in Dallas.

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