When marital problems occur, it is often challenging for spouses to not react. When married couples in Texas decide to file for divorce, they could encounter numerous family law issues. This is especially true if their emotions get the best of them. Actions made during dissolution and post-divorce could lead to additional disputes. For some, this might require post-divorce modifications. This is especially true if the couple has children.
A recent article indicated certain actions that divorce individuals should not take; especially right after a divorce agreement is reached. Social media is a huge aspect of many lives, but when it comes to failed marriages and divorce, these sites are not the answer. Some family members, including children, could read these messages and posts. These could seriously impact them causing them to want to spend less time with a spiteful parent. Ultimately, this could lead to child custody issues.
Another emotional response that some newly divorced individual might take is destroying the property of their ex. Even if they didn’t seek return of all their possession in the divorce, this does not automatically make these items up for grabs. Destroying personal property left by an ex could lead to property division issues, which can be very complex. It is best to put these items to the side or see if they could pick them up.
Lastly, a divorcee should not stalk their ex. This can lead to additional emotional outbreaks, especially if an ex has moved on and is dating someone new. Although it might be difficult to continually work to avoid their ex, they should not seek them out. Of course, avoiding an ex could be difficult if children are involved, but an individual should only interact with them when it is necessary, at least until it is clear that they can be civil and friendly around one another.
Mishandling a divorce or reacting improperly could lead to family law issues such as filing for post-divorce modification out of spite. Disputes occur and changes can be necessary, but divorced individuals should avoid unnecessary arguments and needs for modification. If an individual is dealing with a hostile or spiteful ex, it is important they understand how to handle the situation in order to avoid more issues.
Source: Examiner, “What you should not do after getting a divorce,” Michelle Stevens, April 28, 2014